If you like this software and would like support our development make donation to us. Soon will be available forum for your questions (after ). Run it if you need recover your forgotten passwords from Far Manager FTP, or if you lost your Ftp information after removing Far Manager from your computer.īugs or questions welcomed at if you like via Online WebFom This program allow restore Far Manager FTP account's and passwords. Once you get the hang of it though, the same patterns can be applied to other customizations in XYPlorer for example color filters or Ghost filters.Far Manager FTP Password recovery v1.1 llF rom Off set +=c bSi ze llT oOf fse t+= cbS ize dwS ize -=c bSi ze A more extensive list is available in the XYPlorer help file. There are some examples of these patterns included within the "Customize File Icons" UI or settings box to get you started by selecting the "I" button. But as results are immediately visible, it makes it easy to adjust accordingly to exactly what you want. It is a bit of a learning curve to get the pattern (instruction to select certain files/folders to be associated with a particular icon) just right. Further flexibility comes with the ability to turn on or off individual custom icons with a simple tick box. To turn the customized icons on or off is simply a matter of pressing the handy toggle button. It's so easy to add, remove, change and fine tune your settings to your liking. Customized icons are also very very flexible. Meaning that all new files or folders that match your predefined pattern or instruction if you like will automatically be displayed with your chosen icon. The Best Norton Commander Clone file manager on the windows platform, in the world of file managers many paradigms have emerged but the classic orthodox dual panel display still reigns king for speed and ease, FAR is above and beyond in the orthodox category with its configurability,speed and vast array of plugins that extend the program to beyond like an internal ftp client,email client. It's set and forget as all file/folder icon associations are applied globally.

The customized icons are stored within the "Icons" folder of the XYPlorer directory while the list of customized file/folder patterns as well as which particular icon to point to are stored within XYplorer. No extra files are created like with other programs that place an icon in each directory. You can customize an infinite number of icons for an infinite number of files and/folders or even just a single one based on what ever combination you want. Custom file and folder icons Add a custom icon to a set of files or folders based on file type, location, name (or part of name) for example: all files named XYplorer to have 'icon x' or all folders that contain the word XYplorer in the name to have 'icon y', size, date, name length, path etc.