You can pick up a high quality Bosch E36 idle control valve here. In this article I will discuss the symptoms of a bad ICV, the four cylinder and six cylinder E36 ICV removal process, and how to clean the ICV. A failed idle control valve can cause a number of issues in your vehicle, to the point where it will stall out. Some, such as the one on my Ford Ranger, takes about thirty seconds to remove and replace, whereas others such as the valve on my four-cylinder e36 can take well over an hour of your time. Most idle control valves are located somewhere on a vehicle’s intake manifold.

Idle Control Valves typically have two components to them, a sensor that sends information back to the computer and the actual valve which opens and closes. The ICV regulates the car’s idle based on how much air is getting to the motor. The bmw e36 idle control valve is an incredibly important component in your vehicle’s performance.